We help couples who sincerely care about preserving important family relationships.

We provide a thoughtful, caring and compassionate environment with the goal of finding common ground for all parties.

Our practice focuses solely on Mediation and Collaborative Law. We believe these processes are a better way to resolve conflict and reach consensus than litigation.

“The big feeling that washed over me after reading that the divorce was declared was that I had been in good hands…yours. Wise and caring. Smart. Knowing how to change the recipe with each situation. Thank you.”
-L. M.

“Our comprehensive agreement has ensured that all key issues were resolved before we divorced - as it should be - and my ex and I get along great and keep our son at the forefront of our lives. ”

Day and Linnehan Law Amy Carron Day Esq. and MaryEllen Linnehan Esq.

Amy Carron Day
tel. 212-252-0005
260 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10016

MaryEllen Linnehan
tel. 914-242-7200

  • 241 Lexington Avenue (Westchester)
    Mt Kisco, NY 10549
  • Graybar Building
    420 Lexington Avenue (btw 43rd and 44th)
    New York, NY 10170